What does “healthy aging” mean
for your pet? Is it the same as for you? Basically, the answer is yes, with one
glaring difference. Your pet cannot be trusted to tell you when something is
starting to go wrong. Subtle warning signs of a problem may resemble
age-related changes. For example, increased sleeping might be a headache or
blurred vision. Difficulty rising could be arthritis, but could also be
weakness related to low blood pressure, altered electrolytes, bone pain, or
dizziness. We humans also tend to rationalize and “anthropomorphize” our pet’s
issues, which can sadly delay diagnosis of many treatable diseases. Then it
seems surprising when our pets are really sick and we hear of the degree or
chronicity of the problem.
Given the rapidity of animal
aging and their short life span, the only way to reliably monitor aging is by
frequent visits to the veterinarian with an examination and geriatric lab work
including a Complete Blood Count, Chemistry Panel and a Urinalysis. Chronic
kidney disease is one of top three diseases of geriatric pets and kidney failure is
only reliably diagnosed by checking a urine sample for concentrating ability
(urine specific gravity.) Ideally, this
should be every six months for a dog over nine to 10 years (over seven years
for Giant Breeds like Great Danes) and every year for cats over 10 years of age.
For exotic pets, these recommendations will vary depending on the size and type
of pet. This can become expensive and makes a good argument for pet insurance
to cover some of the ongoing costs. When choosing a pet insurance, take care to
check for geriatric exclusion clauses given that many pet insurance companies
are also aware that aging pets require more care.
What else can we do to fend off some
of the preventable changes of aging? Just as in humans, a healthy diet and
exercise are crucial. Most commercial and many alternative diets are complete,
but when in doubt, your veterinarian or a veterinary nutritionist will be able
to consult on the appropriateness of the diet. Most “senior” diets do not have
significant changes in ingredients or electrolytes that make them better than
regular diets. Supplements like fish oil may have a place in treatment of
canine osteoarthritis, but their role in prevention of other diseases such as
heart disease or dementia is unknown. I still recommend them if there is no
fish in the pet’s diet. There are instances when fish oil supplements are
discouraged, specifically in some human cancers during chemotherapy.
Exercise of the body and mind are
both important to provide your aging pet. Exercising with your dog has been
found to improve health for the human in multiple research studies, and the
reverse is likely true as well. The cardiovascular and muscular strength that
moderate exercise provides is important to keep both healthy, but also serves
as a reserve when you are sick. This reserve strength will improve recovery
after accidents, surgery or other health issues. Outdoor exercise is also a
mental boost for our dogs with input into all their senses. Time spent with
their owner is also important for mental health, so part of a moderate exercise
program should include an interactive component.
Exercising a cat or exotic pet can
be a little more difficult, to say the least, but is extremely important given
the high rate of obesity in our pets. Cats may enjoy chasing a toy on a wand or
chase toys or balled up socks, but sadly some cats are not interested in
chasing. For these cats, a companion cat or dog may provide some impetus for
moving around even if it’s just to get away from the other animal. (Conflict
can provide good stimulation ;) A younger cat could keep the older cat more
active both physically and cognitively. The same is likely true for birds and
small mammals.
At home, grooming and petting
your cat or dog provides both with the benefits of companionship. Having
friends and relationships is as important for our pets as for us. Studies in
humans have shown increased longevity and mental health for those people who
actively continue human interaction and relationships. Sometimes a pet and
their human can become isolated from the rest of the world and this is not
healthy for either individual. One of the least judgmental places for dog owners
is the dog park where dogs of all sizes, temperaments and interests congregate
with their humans of the same variability. For indoor-only cats, frequent
household visitors and companionship with other housecats should provide good
The best part of living with a
pet is having a good friend who lives every day to its fullest. We can follow
their example while we age as well and continue to fully enjoy each moment.
Men do not quit playing because they grow old; they grow old because
they quit playing.
~Oliver Wendell Holmes