By Beth Davidow, DVM DACVECC
Medical Director
week ago, we alerted referring veterinarians in the area to an uptick in the
number of parvovirus cases we were seeing at ACCES’ two referral hospitals
(Seattle and Renton). Word quickly spread to the greater community setting off
an unexpected scare.
is a virus that causes vomiting and severe diarrhea. In addition, it can suppress
the immune system and put animals at risk for secondary infections. It mainly
affects puppies and can cause death if not treated appropriately. With
treatment, which includes intravenous fluids, anti-nausea medication,
antibiotics and plasma in severe cases, survival is 90%. Adults dogs can get
the infection as well but often are less sick or may shed virus and not have
clinical signs.
virus is shed in stool and can live in the environment for weeks to months. It
is extremely hardy and not killed by standard disinfectants – bleach is most
effective. The virus can be passed from an animal shedding the virus, picked up
on clothes, shoes, and other objects, and then carried to another animal.
is not a new infection. It is a virus we have known about for a long time and
one of the first diseases for which we developed a vaccine for dogs. The
vaccine is extremely effective when administered properly. Puppies need to
receive vaccines every three to four weeks from eight weeks of age until they
are over 16 weeks of age, again at one year and then every three years
difficulty with this disease is that puppies often get sick in the window after
they have had one vaccine but not the full series. If puppies are in
environments where the virus has been shed by asymptomatic carriers, they can
pick up the virus. Health for the dog population relies on compliance by
everyone – a concept known as “herd immunity”.
year we have seen an uptick in the number of parvo cases. We see an average of
16 cases a year and have diagnosed 28 this year, eight in the last three weeks.
The virus does ebb and flow so this may just be a high year. Cases have been
from a number of locations and have been mostly young, incompletely vaccinated
dogs. However, it is also possible that the move away from vaccines has led to
less herd immunity and more shedding of virus. Speaking to other hospitals in
the area, some are also seeing more cases but other clinics north of us are
recommendations are:
– make sure your puppy gets the full SERIES of vaccines up to at least 16 weeks
of year. Make sure the vaccine is boostered one year later and then every three
years after that.
not take incompletely vaccinated puppies to dog parks or other high traffic
areas. Dog parks are great places to socialize but only after the full series
of puppy shots have been given.
you have a dog with vomiting and diarrhea, have them seen promptly. Early
diagnosis and proper treatment does lead to a good long term outcome.
If your dog is
fully vaccinated, there is no reason to avoid the dog parks – let your dogs
play if we have a sunny day.